Montag, 6. Juni 2011

musical activities and highlights of the last months and the months to come

--on my side one of the best things of the year was the release, last march, of my first solo album “bestiario” with the beautiful label mosz, it was a great cooperation and i got some very positive critics till now. the cd presentation was in the museum of natural history of vienna, sourounded by a beautiful and strange world of dead animals of the past.

--i composed the piece “adela-aurita” for the austrian radio, commissioned together with the ignm for the long night of new music in radio ö1

--the film of billy roisz “chiles en nogada” for wich my self and my colleagues dieb13 and burkhard stangl did a part of the music got the diagonale prize for innovative cinema 

--i had the chance to work in a big project with great colleagues for the project “canto”: lucia pulido, martin seiwert, christian fennesz, burkhard stangl and miguel ángel gaspar and we played it in the beautiful festival “imago dei” in krems

coming soon-this summer:

playing solo at “ausland” sharing the evening with lucio capese in the nice series of mario de vega “11”

Low Frequency Orchestra plays Robert Lettner: “Das Spiel vom Kommen und Gehen”, Musikschule Villach,

Musikschule, Widmanngasse 12, 9050 Villach/Austria
Robert Lettner – color scores
Thomas Grill – concept and electronics
Angélica Castelló – recorders and devices
Maja Osojnik – recorders and voice
Herwig Neugebauer – double bass
Matija Schellander – double bass
Bernhard Breuer – drums
Alfred Reiter – sound
Martin Pichlmair – video

an intimate trio evening to celebrate the visit of fantastic singer lucia pulido in vienna in the great café korb
lucia pulido (col): voice, cuatro
angelica castello (mex/a): voice, paetzold, electronics
burkhard stangl (a): voice, guitars

spiel festival
playing duo with “chesterfield” (castello/stangl) performing the piece “first floor” and later on working and performing my new piece “la lenteur” for 3 female voices and 2 celli

hotel pupik-artist in residence
working on and presenting the solo performance “lamento”

reheat festival
presenting my “electroaltar”

29.and 30.8.2011

Balli suavi et amorosi – Italienische Musik zwischen Schlössern und Marktplätzen

Constanze Hölzl – Soprano
Angélica Castelló – Recorders
Jorge Daniel Valencia – Viola da Gamba
Marinka Brecelj – Harpsichord
works by A. Vivaldi, B. Strozzi, D. Gabriell a.o.

as well:
preparing/composing the projects:
“flor y cronopio”
composicion for the duo “dos a dos” (clarinets and recorders)

the bömische bibel project is about to be finished
release (5 books and cassette) this autum

...and some new releases coming soon as well …

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